Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Day Thirty

Finally, the journey is complete. It's been a wild thirty days but the two of us feel amazing. Watching what I ate alone allowed me to lose ten pounds.

I'm not going to dive back into eating the way I used to- what would have been the point of doing the Whole30 in the first place? We've both come to a mutual decision- we plan on sticking to eating healthy meats and veggies, but we're going to allow ourselves a once in a while treat when it comes to grains, dairy and desserts. There are lots of Paleo desserts I've been eyeing and I can't wait to try them out.

I'm disappointed I haven't been able to really blog about the last half of the Whole30. My computer has decided it won't stay connected to the internet unless it's plugged in, and I didn't figure that out until a few days ago. I really enjoy blogging, so I'm going to continue and update with different recipes : )

Thanks for sticking around! ♥

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Day Sixteen - Twenty One

I'm back and STILL on the Whole30. My computer hasn't been working all week so I'm taking this rare "working" opportunity to quickly jot down my progress.

Breakfasts and lunches have pretty much been the same since we started. We both eat eggs for breakfast (omelette city) and he eats his packed lunches of lettuce wrapped ham with fruit on the side, while I'll eat leftovers or turkey.

Seth's PERFECT omelette.

 Lmao can you tell I pack in way too many veggies?

Dinners have continued to be fun. I tried out sweet mashed potatoes suggested by my close friend Jahaira (who is also my dedicated commenter) and they were amazing. Just boil, toss coconut milk/cream in and mash. I added some cinnamon as well. Also... sweet potatoes are a nightmare to chop up. Just wanted to throw that in there.

Coconut milk is amazing. I could stand there and eat the cream on top until I pass out. It reminds me too much of pina coladas so I tend to just stay away altogether.

Anyway, we also tried out turkey brats and they were much better than the sweet italian turkey sausage we previously tried. The italian turkey sausage was too similar to breakfast sausage, which Seth hates (I'm not a fan either).

I also made a super quick pot roast minus potatoes. I took a roast, carrots, onions, and spices and threw them into an oven bag at 350 for an hour and a half.



Anyway, that about sums up the past six days. Soon we'll be a week away from completion : )

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Day Fifteen

Well, this journey is officially halfway completed. While I can't say I don't miss my favorite foods, I can't deny how much I'm loving not being suffocated to death by my jeans. Is this what it feels like to be comfortable in jeans? ; )

Breakfast - omelette with peppers, onions, tomato, spinach and mushrooms. There was barely any egg ; )

Egg not pictured. Or is it....

Lunch- A mini basil turkey burger with zucchini.

Dinner was a repeat of day seven's but with perfectly cooked cauliflower.

I'm excited because I had enough for leftovers for tomorrow's lunch : )

So ready to complete the second half of the Whole30!!

Monday, September 10, 2012

Day Thirteen and Fourteen - The weekend

Another weekend has passed!


Breakfast/lunch was an omelette containing peppers, tomato, spinach and mushrooms ♥ We got up pretty late so first meal was technically skipped. I made Seth a turkey burger.

Dinner - Baked chicken thighs with mashed garlic cauliflower "potatoes" similarly made from the recipe Melanie linked to on her blog.

I decided to try out microwave steaming with the cauliflower since I do it regularly with squash and zucchini and stove top steaming with my colander is a pain in the ass. I chopped up the cauliflower into florets and threw it into a bowl along with three chopped cloves of garlic. I filled the bowl with an inch of water, loosely covered it, and threw it into the microwave for thirteen minutes. It came out perfectly and was so much faster than stove top, which can take as long as fifty minutes with my colander.

After they were cooked, I threw it into a blender (half at a time) with ghee and salt until it was blended. I didn't use nutmeg because mine had expired lol.

Since the chicken still didn't thaw out all the way, I just upped the temperature to 400F and baked for 50 minutes and broiled on high for 3 minutes. Perfect chicken : )

Um.. ignore the gross grease marks.

I added chives to the "potatoes."

Behold, chives in this gorgeously vibrant picture.


We were pretty much out of food since it was grocery day.

For breakfast/lunch (another late start) we had chicken leftovers. Since we eat a lot of vegetables, we touch the fruit sparingly so there was enough for a snack to hold us over until dinner.

Dinner was lettuce-wrapped burgers again. This week will have much healthier dinners than Friday and Sunday for sure. As much as I love the weekend, I like the uniform meal planning the days of the week have.

Day fifteen will be here tonight ; )

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Day Twelve

Okay I keep getting behind but it's been a pretty busy couple of days lol. Another simple food log:

Breakfast - pepper, spinach and tomato omelette.

Lunch - cabbage.

Dinner - We were out of vegetables except cauliflower which is for day thirteen's dinner so we had ourselves a "binge night." We had lettuce wrapped hamburgers. Nothing really fattening, I just don't like to serve dinner without vegetables so I felt guilty. But day thirteen will be redeeming.

Friday, September 7, 2012

Day Eleven

I didn't have time to write yesterday but it was a short and sweet day for food.

Breakfast: Onion, pepper and spinach omelette with a banana.

Lunch: Two mini turkey burgers (1/3rd lb of meat).

Between breakfast and lunch I worked out. I forgot to mention on day ten I made it to three miles, I only had to stop a few times because of my asthma. Well this day I made it past three miles with no asthma problems! :) No matter how much I stretch my legs ache like a mother, so I know it's working lol.

When I worked out in the past I would religiously exercise watching The Office. In time I realized I could time my workouts with every episode which would make time absolutely crawl by. To prevent this I've been popping in movies. My favorite genre is horror so I've watched The Grudge and The Ring on day ten and eleven. They're not scary but they're entertaining enough that I don't look at the clock too too much.

For dinner I cooked up sweet Italian turkey sausage with peppers, onions and mushrooms.

I know the squash is out of place but I needed a vegetable lol.

That's it for day eleven!

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Day Ten

We made it to the double digits! One third complete. Super hype.

Breakfast started off with a pepper and onion omelette.

Lunch was a mini turkey basil burger with an orange.

~Not pictured~

Originally for dinner we were going to have turkey sausage, but we ended up running to the store and got fish instead. Cod was on sale so we picked up a pound for less than six dollars ♥ I love cod when it's baked with butter and cracker crumbs. Instead, I tossed it in lemon and olive oil and sprinkled salt, pepper and basil on top.

I covered it with foil and baked it at 400F for twenty minutes. I cooked asparagus to go with it.


That concludes day ten. I ended up burning one of my wax melts from Yankee Candle to cover the fish smell lol. Cheers!