Monday, September 3, 2012

Day Eight

Today started off like any other - with a fritatta. While I could eat these bad boys 24/7/365, Seth told me he was sick of fritattas so I'm trying out something new tomorrow : )

 Goodbye, beautiful.

We had to pay my rent today as well as pick up Seth's books for college, but because it was Labor Day everywhere but one lone store was closed. The store was sadly out of his books so the hunt will continue tomorrow.

Dinner was a repeat from last week - thin pan fry steaks with homemade guacamole. This time I cooked up some asparagus and it was delicious.

Super vibrant picture.

Nice, simple day.

I also took the peels from the orange I had with breakfast as well as the lime shells from the guacamole (I juiced them) and simmered them for a few hours with cinnamon, cloves and allspice for homemade potpourri. Waste not, want not : )


  1. Goodbye frittata :(
    Jason is obsessed with asparagus.
    LMAO at you making homemade potpourri, I'm impressed by the resourcefulness yet amused that a 23-year-old even thought of this :-*

  2. I used to hate asparagus until I learned how to cook it properly. I prefer them grilled though.

    Gurl I love buying cheapo juice oranges, chopping them up with a lemon and making the potpourri. I used to do it ALL the time and I just got back into doing it. I didn't have the heart throwing away my peels so I just had to recycle them lmao.
