Friday, September 7, 2012

Day Eleven

I didn't have time to write yesterday but it was a short and sweet day for food.

Breakfast: Onion, pepper and spinach omelette with a banana.

Lunch: Two mini turkey burgers (1/3rd lb of meat).

Between breakfast and lunch I worked out. I forgot to mention on day ten I made it to three miles, I only had to stop a few times because of my asthma. Well this day I made it past three miles with no asthma problems! :) No matter how much I stretch my legs ache like a mother, so I know it's working lol.

When I worked out in the past I would religiously exercise watching The Office. In time I realized I could time my workouts with every episode which would make time absolutely crawl by. To prevent this I've been popping in movies. My favorite genre is horror so I've watched The Grudge and The Ring on day ten and eleven. They're not scary but they're entertaining enough that I don't look at the clock too too much.

For dinner I cooked up sweet Italian turkey sausage with peppers, onions and mushrooms.

I know the squash is out of place but I needed a vegetable lol.

That's it for day eleven!


  1. I loathe watching TV shows when I work out because:
    1. If I have watched the episode before I find myself timing how far into the episode the current scene is because I just want it to be over. I LOATHE working out.
    OR 2. If it's a new show, I still want to kill myself during commercials.
    So, I watch live sporting events. Yay.

    I don't like The Office without Michael.

    I love turkey sausage.

    1. I keep forgetting to click reply when I comment back -__-

      Lmao that describes my workout tv experience to the T. Sports sounds like a good plan, except I'm not on the Jahaira level of sports boooo.

      I don't watch The Office anymore because without Michael it's so awful. Thank god they're on their last season.

      Lmao that reminds me when your mother came home with the wrong turkey sausage.
