Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Day Nine

[Edit: I ended up hitting 'Save' and not 'Publish... Oops. Here's yesterday's entry.]

I hate sweet potatoes. Hate hate hate. I've repeatedly tried them to no avail. I eat most foods with ease, but sweet potatoes have never been my thing. Well, sweet potatoes are allowed on the Whole30, and I was going to give them another shot.

So to mix up breakfast, I made sweet potato hashbrowns, taken from this recipe I googled desperately. I omitted the bacon and garlic, but when I have my hands on some bacon I definitely want to make it again with some.

I took this ugly thing...


...and transformed it into this.

This honestly looked like cheese.

While I was grating the potato, I fried up some onions.

I dumped the grated potatoes into the onion mixture and fried for fifteen minutes. I then put the pan in the oven to broil for a few minutes. I served them with a fried egg.

I honestly liked this a lot. I'd rather serve them with scrambled eggs, but milk isn't allowed, sooo yeah. Next time to firm up the potatoes I'm going to spread the potatoes over a baking sheet and broil them for a crispy touch. Not bad at all.

Today was my first day of exercise in a few weeks. Not to make excuses, but for my first week on the Whole30 I wanted to do it sans exercise to see how the change in my diet affected my body. After successfully losing three inches in my waist in a week, it was time to step it up with exercise.

Thankfully I own a treadmill. Just a month ago I was able to do three miles with ease, so I jumped on thinking it would be just as easy with a "newer" body. This was not the case when I hit two miles. I started having an asthma attack, so I had to jump off and collect myself. When you have asthma you never know when your body is having a good day or not, and because I don't have an inhaler I have to be careful.

When I felt better I finished up with floor exercises and I made a mini fritatta for lunch.

 Be jealous, Seth.

 For dinner I made herb crusted pork chops. I took salt, pepper, basil, oregano, crushed rosemary and parsley and rubbed it into my boneless pork chops that were drizzled with olive oil.

I baked them in the oven at 350 for 25 minutes since they were little and boneless. I served them with a side of squash.

Later on I had a bowl of fruit because I was craving some.

Day complete!


  1. Um the grated sweet potatoes look EXACTLY like cheese. When I first saw the picture I thought I would have to yell at you for cheating, but then I was like...Cheyenne doesn't even like cheese.

    Gurl kudos on working out BUT I do NOT like you not having an inhaler! Buy one off the black market or something!

    I like your fruit bowl ♥

    1. I hate cheese. I like shredded cheese on salads sometimes. You can turn a salad so unhealthy so quickly -___-

      Smh if I had an inhaler I'd be running around like a maniac. Even when I was in shape and hiking all the time in Mass my lungs were dying. Remind me to tell you about the time I climbed up Mt Tom lmao.

      Fruit ♥ I could live off of watermelon.
