Monday, August 27, 2012

Day One

It's here! It's here!

Accompanied by a super happy sun.

Last night I only got about four hours of sleep because of extreme leg pain. Thankfully I woke up pain free and raring to go. Today is also the first day back to college for Seth, so I got up with him to prepare breakfast and make him a packed lunch.

Fritatta time!!

This was my first fritatta and it came out successfully. If I can make this, anyone can! It's a really quick and easy breakfast, not to mention healthy as heck.

Six eggs
1 half green bell pepper
1 quarter onion
handful of baby spinach
handful of chopped mushrooms
(feel free to add more veggies!)

I greased my pan with olive oil and preheated the oven to broil on high. (Edit: Low works better, mentioned in a later entry) I chopped up the bell pepper into chunks and threw it in. Peppers take the longest to cook, so I sauteed them first for a few minutes. I added the chunked onions for 2 minutes, then threw the spinach and mushrooms in at the same time and let them get nice and cooked.

 Meanwhile, I whipped six eggs together and threw them into the veggie blend. You can use more or less eggs but this was a perfect amount for us. I let the mixture cook on the stove until it was cooking on the bottom and setting on top. This took about five minutes.

I then popped it into the oven for an additional five minutes.


Seth loathes spinach so I've been determined to prove to him that it has the capability to be super tasty. I cut him a few pieces and let him get to work.

Verdict: He was ecstatic and asked eagerly for seconds. Spinach and all! :)

While he was getting ready for school I prepared his lunch- chicken salad lettuce wraps!

Way too cute! I wanted to eat them but I'm a good girlfriend. I packed them into his lunch, with a side of watermelon and a water bottle.When he comes home I'll be making mini turkey patties to hold us over until dinner. 

All set for school!

After cleaning up I decided to try out the water I made last night. I'm not going to lie, I was EXTREMELY tentative about trying it, mostly because I was afraid the ginger would make it bitter and gross.
 You can't tell me this isn't intimidating...

I poured eight ounces into my handy Abuelo glass and took a tiny sip... It was amazing! Absolutely awesome. I was also worried that the cucumber taste would be lost because I only threw in half of one, but it was there and was super refreshing. I want to drink the full two quarts!

That's it for my morning, I'll be eating my own lunch soon and preparing dinner later. :)

Edit: Seth texted me and told me how amazing the wraps were, and that they were FILLING! That's the goal! Yay!


  1. I think the drink looks delish. Actually everything looks delish. This is the entry that convinced me that you're not crazy for giving up all the crappy food ♥

  2. Gurl. That fritatta. That homemade chicken salad. It was all just too amazing. I felt like I was cheating on a diet.
