Monday, August 27, 2012


This used to be me.

I'm obviously trying to lose weight and get healthy, those are the main, important goals. But everyone always has a reward system for when they drop those pounds! For me, it's a shirt.

Okay, it's a dumb band tee. But I look cute as hell in it. I love white, I love boats, I love to rock. This was one of my favorite shirts back in the day, and I've been dying to wear it again for years.

Also, this dress.

I've never worn it. Ever. I bought it to wear at a Christmas Eve party but decided it was too flashy. Then I decided if I were ever to elope, I'd wear it. Now, I just want to wear it for no good reason at all. It's been waiting four long years for me.

I mean, I have a few other articles of clothing, such as my favorite old pair of skinny jeans and shorts, but these are the head honchos. Obviously it'd be nice to go back to wearing bikinis again instead of the atrocious excuse for a bathing suit I own now, but that shirt... that is my dream.

A huge inspiration to get thin is my mother.

Her hair hasn't changed since the 70's...

My mom is the ultimate woman. She's beaten cancer, diabetes, alcohol addiction and smoking. She's been smoke-free for over twenty years now and did so cold turkey. She's survived the toughest ordeals and isn't afraid to stand up for herself in ANY situation. If I end up being half the woman she is, I can pat myself on the back and be satisfied.

But the one enemy my mother has is food. Like me, she's struggled with weight loss ever since having children. My mom can make one hell of a meal, especially healthy dinners. But she is an emotional eater, and with the major stress she faces on a daily basis, it's something she'll turn to for comfort. That's why I want to do the Whole30. I want to be an inspiration for my mother the way she is to me every day. I want her to see if I can do this, she can do it effortlessly and come out on top. So I'm hoping I'm successful with my efforts, because if there's anyone I don't want to fail, it's my momma.

Food for thought. :)


  1. First of all, I love love LOVE your momma ♥ And the fact that your motivation piece is a band tee is pretty bad ass. But my absolute favorite part of this blog entry is the fact that your mom is gonna cry when she reads it lmao ♥

  2. I love her too ♥ That's exactly what Seth and I said lmao, I love it when she cries. My mom is cute.

  3. God.... I'm not your mom and I almost cried... I am unbelievably proud of the woman you are growing into! Luv ya Miss Cheyenne! Xoxo

  4. Aww thank you so much, sending all my love to you guys, I miss you! ♥
