Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Day Two - morning

Seven hours of sleep felt like four as it took us FOREVER to get out of bed. Forever meaning twenty minutes for me. Today I made another fritatta which came out more fantastic than yesterday's (if possible) because I made a few minor changes.

First of all, I threw in WAY more spinach than I did yesterday, now confident my picky eater would enjoy it.


I also put the broiler setting on low instead of high like yesterday because I wanted to see if it would create a fluffier egg. I never have a reason to use the broiler setting so it was interesting to experiment with it. Other minor changes included throwing salt, pepper and parsley into the pan, I forgot to do this yesterday but it was great without it.

You can't really tell here but the low broiler setting created a marvelous fritatta, and the salt/pepper really enhanced it! We ate it with a banana on the side.

While the fritatta was doing it's thing I whipped up the last of the chicken salad into lettuce wraps for Seth's lunch.

All set!

That concludes our morning. Lunch will probably be a medley of veggies for moi while I figure out what to do for dinner tonight.

If you know me, I'm neurotic when it comes to lists. I make lists for literally everything. But with this meal planning, I've drawn a blank for the very first time. I've found dozens of recipes but when I go to put it all together, I get really anxious and save it to do for later. When later comes, I continue to brush it off. Meal planning really isn't difficult. I have no idea why I haven't sat down to do it yet, but luckily we haven't ran into trouble so far because I'm great at improvising.

I pulled ground beef out of the freezer last night so I'll be looking around to see what I can do with it! :)


  1. Omg Cheyenne. LISTS ♥ But I'm kind of the same way with grocery shopping. You know I CAN'T cook without a recipe so I end up having to meal plan so I can grocery shop for everything I need, but I LOATHE having to sit down and do it. And I can't improvise since I don't really know how to cook :(

  2. I bet you know how to cook and you're just being modest gurl. It's an endless circle of list frustration!!
